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Why Does Stretching Feel Good?

Take a deep breath in and let it out slowly. Feel how your chest expands as you fill your lungs

How To Use A Pregnancy Pillow

Sleep is vital for both mother and baby during pregnancy. Not only does it help the mother rest, but it

When Can Baby Face Forward In A Car Seat In 2022

Car crashes are one of the leading causes of death for children in the United States. While car crash statistics

How To Become A Doula?

Having a baby is a life-changing event. And while it’s an amazing time, it can also be challenging, filled with

Should I Remove The Pacifier When The Baby Is Sleeping?

A pacifier – also called a dummy, soother, or binky – can be a soothing tool for babies. They are

Which Parenting Style Is Most Encouraged In Modern America?

Being a parent is one of the most challenging jobs in the world. You are responsible for another human being

Does My Picky Child Need Food Therapy?

This article is co-written with Emma, a Paediatric Dietitian, and mum of a fussy eater and a baby with allergies,

The Best And Worst Snacks For Kids

Kids are hungry human beings. Most parents will never leave the house without an abundance of snacks to keep their