11 Unique Ways To Capture Baby Milestones In Pictures

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11 Unique Ways To Capture Baby Milestones In Pictures

One of the most common phrases you will hear a first-time, or even a parent with multiple kids say is

‘They grow up too quickly’.

Baby milestone pictures are one of the best ways a parent can remember just how fast they grew or each time they complete a new milestone such as smiling, laughing, or their first outing.

Just some years ago, when the average person would take a camera with them everywhere, they had to wait for the pictures to be printed and would put them in an album or photo frame. Anyone who came to visit would indeed be shown the ‘baby photo album’ and sit and admire the beautiful baby pictures.

Nowadays, with the quick flash of smartphone cameras, a photo can be taken any time, any place, saved digitally forever and uploaded to social media all in the space of minutes. New parents want to capture every second of their baby’s life so they can remember each second.

Let’s explore all the creative and unique ways you can take these baby milestone pictures, so you can get the most memorable and Instagram-worthy photos.

Baby Milestone Photos: Are They Really That Important?

Absolutely yes. In order for a new parent not to blink their eyes and say that the time has gone by too quickly, having these sweet milestone pictures is perfect for the parents to keep track of time and remember the little things.

How Often Should I Take These Milestone Pictures?

These pictures are not the everyday pictures you will snap of your baby. They are uniquely-posed photos that will feature specific props or images to show the world your baby’s stage of life. They should be taken at least once a month to show the growth and accomplishments of your baby. But they can be taken more often if you plan to document each milestone separately throughout the months.

Do I Need To Book A Professional Photographer To Take These Photos?

No. The smartphone camera is good enough (and much cheaper) than hiring a photographer every month to take these milestone pictures. Of course, some parents may opt for a professional photographer monthly, or they may do a yearly photoshoot with their baby. The choice is really up to you.

One of the benefits of not hiring a photographer is that you can take these milestone pictures almost anywhere, and you don’t need to wait for a specific time and date. There are so many unique ideas of taking milestone pictures that require very few, or even zero extra purchases, allowing you to create the perfect milestone pictures from your living room.

11 Unique Ways To Take Milestone Pictures

1. The Pictures That Will Never Age

The simple, classic, and never-go-out-of-style photos involve a lot of neutral colors. Babies are (sometimes) extremely tranquil, so reflect this by putting them in a white or cream blanket or baby grow. Then, place the milestone you’re capturing on a wooden or cream-colored note, block, or cushion next to them, and take these evergreen pictures.

baby milestone photos

2. Put Your Baby In The Center Of Attention With Monthly Milestone Blankets

Milestone baby blankets have been one of the most loved ways to take baby milestone pictures. You can track weeks, months, and years, all with your baby at the center of attention in the photo. Choose a blanket color that you prefer (neutral colors are always recommended), choose your baby’s outfit, or you can also choose to keep it clean with a fresh diaper (phthalates-free for the baby boys) and snap away however often you prefer.

Bonus tip: include their favorite toy at the time, or their favorite snack in the shot if you wish to remember the more minor details.

top view of little black baby lying on bed at home 2021 09 02 22 25 15 utc scaled 1

3. Message Boards To Remember Details

Message boards are a great way to give yourself the freedom to write whatever you want and remember the tiniest details. These boards are usually black and come with white letters to form whatever messages you want. Whether it’s ‘1 month today!’ or ‘Last night I didn’t wake mummy and daddy up once’, remembering these can make everyone laugh, and you will be grateful to have this milestone remembered.

coming soon board

4. Milestone Cards To Guide You Along The Way

Another great way to remember all milestones is through milestone cards. They can be personalized to include your baby’s name and vary from age-related to developmental milestones. The developmental milestones will include crawling, first step, first word, even when their first tooth came through, and more.

baby shower card

5. Surround Your Child With Beautiful Parts Nature

If you aren’t willing to spend money on any props, why not go into your garden and pick some of your favorite leaves or petals from your favorite flower? Shape these parts of nature into a heart, a number, or even to use as a beautiful backdrop. If you love the idea of nature but want to get something that will be used again, fake flowers or leaves are other great options.

baby smiling with a number

6. Photos With The Toy They Simply Can’t Let Go Of

Surround your baby with their favorite toys and blankets and create beautiful memories to remember. Your baby will change their favorite toy often, or they may keep one forever. Take a picture with your baby’s favorite toy at the time, or show how they grow up with their favorite toy or blanket as the months and years go by.

baby with her toys

7. Your Baby’s First Christmas Photoshoot

Your baby’s first Christmas photoshoot is one of the most special times, and you will want to remember it forever. Dress them in white, with red, green, or gold hints, and remember their first Christmas forever. You can include a sign or hat that says it’s their first Christmas, or just mark the milestone by dressing them up in neutral colors, with Christmas decorations in the background.

babys first christmas

8. Your Baby’s First Birthday Photoshoot

Like Christmas, your baby’s first birthday is just as much of a celebration to remember. Mark your baby’s birthday with a special at-home shoot, and make sure you remember their birthday forever. Dress your child up in their favorite colors or outfit with their favorite toy and snap away. And if things get messy with cake or balloons, enjoy and let it be.

baby eating cake

9. Their Favorite Treats At The Time Of The Picture

Whether it’s apple, chocolate, or something more unusual, picture them with their favorite treat on a monthly basis. Bonus tip, if they are holding it or eating, then it’s an even better shot.

baby eating chocolate

10. A Photo Banner That You Can Hang In Their Bedroom

Take a polaroid camera, and get beautifully printed photos that you can hang in your baby’s room. You can even write the date in a permanent marker on the bottom or back of the photos as well as the important milestone you want to remember. Then, hang a piece of string across the ceiling of your baby’s room, take a clip and hang the photos along the line. You can even add fairy lights or other decorations to make it more personalized.

banner of photos

11. Mini Blocks For Every Occasion

Brown or colored mini-blocks that have numbers or letters printed on them are a great way to capture your baby and include a personalized message in the shot. These blocks also double as a toy for your baby and will be useful when they start to love stacking and building.

baby playing with blocks

Where To Find Out More About Newborn care

Have more questions? The Newborn category is the perfect place to get answers to all baby-related questions. The courses are designed for women, by women, to explore all the questions you may have and get answers from top women experts.

Your Baby Is Your World, So Don’t Forget The Little Moments

Whether big or small, capturing the milestones in pictures is a big part of parenthood. Being creative is the best way to create unique pictures that will last a lifetime so that you will have the perfect memory of your perfect, little baby.