The Ultimate Hospital Bag Checklist

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The Ultimate Hospital Bag Checklist

What Every Mom-to-Be Actually Needs for Delivery

Alright, mama-to-be, it’s go time (well, almost). The countdown to baby cuddles has begun, and one of the last things on your to-do list is packing that all-important hospital bag. But what do you actually need? And what’s just going to take up precious space?

At, we’re all about supporting women with expert-led courses that make women’ s life easier. Our comprehensive breastfeeding series is designed to help you navigate feeding your little one with confidence – because let’s be real, the more prepared you feel, the better.

So, to keep things simple and stress-free, here’s your hospital bag checklist – fun, practical, and packed with everything you really need.

When Should You Pack Your Hospital Bag?

You don’t want to be that mom frantically stuffing a bag between contractions. Most experts suggest having your bag packed by week 32 to 36 – because babies have a way of keeping things unpredictable. Keep it by the door (or in the car) so you can grab it and go when the big moment arrives!

Essentials for Mom

  • Important Documents (a.k.a. The Boring but Necessary Stuff)
  • ID or passport (because hospitals need to know who you are)
  • Health insurance details (let’s make this as smooth as possible)
  • Birth plan (if you have one – though babies don’t always stick to them!)
  • Hospital registration forms (if required, check with your hospital to confirm)
  • Comfort and Clothing (Because Hospital Gowns Are Not a Vibe)
  • Loose, comfy clothes for labor and recovery (think oversized T-shirts and joggers)
  • Maternity pads (hospitals provide some, but having extras is a lifesaver)
  • High-waisted postpartum disposable underwear (great for postpartum comfort and C-section recovery)
  • Non-slip socks or slippers (because hospital floors are freezing)
  • Robe or cardigan (you’ll want layers)
  • Going-home outfit (something comfy – leggings, a loose dress, or maternity joggers work well)
  • Toiletries & Self-Care (AKA: What’ll Make You Feel Human Again)
  • Lip balm (hospital air is dry)
  • Hair ties or headbands (because sweaty labor hair is real)
  • Toothbrush, toothpaste, and deodorant (obviously)
  • Shampoo, conditioner, and body wash (because that first post-birth shower = magical)
  • Face wipes and moisturizer (quick refresh for those first baby photos)

Breastfeeding Must-Haves (Because Hungry Babies Wait for No One)

If breastfeeding is part of your plan, having the right tools can make life a lot easier. At, we’ve got your back with expert-led breastfeeding courses covering everything from latching tips to pumping and weaning.

Here’s what you’ll want to pack:

  • Breast pads (because leaks happen!)
  • Hand pump (optional, but great for relieving engorgement)
  • Nipple cream (a must-have for breastfeeding moms)
  • Therapeutic Breast Pads (for 
  • Nursing bras and tops (for easy access)
  • Nursing pillow (for extra support and comfort)

Essentials for Baby (Because They’re the Real VIP Here)

  • Onesies and sleepers (a couple in newborn and 0-3 month sizes – babies grow fast!)
  • Hat and mittens (newborns lose heat quickly and love scratching their faces)
  • Swaddle blankets (cozy and comforting)
  • Diapers and wipes (most hospitals provide these, but extras never hurt)
  • Car seat (installed ahead of time – hospitals won’t let you leave without one)

Extras You’ll Be Glad You Packed

  • Snacks and drinks (labor is a workout – fuel up!)
  • A playlist (for calming vibes or motivation – Spotify has great labor playlists)
  • Phone charger (extra-long cord recommended – outlets are never close enough)
  • Camera or journal (to capture the moment – because baby brain is real…)
  • A small gift for your midwife and nurses (optional, but they do so much for you)

Final Thoughts

Packing your hospital bag is one of those almost-there milestones that makes it all feel real. The more prepared you are, the more relaxed you’ll feel when the big day arrives.

At AskHer, we’re here to help you through every stage of your life. If you’re planning to breastfeed, check out our breastfeeding course series, where Laura Martin, our expert lactation consultant, covers everything from latching and boosting milk supply to pumping and weaning – because feeding your baby shouldn’t feel overwhelming.

Got your hospital bag ready? Drop a comment and let us know what your must-have item is!

The AskHer team


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