So You Had Unprotected Sex. When Can You Take A Pregnancy Test?

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So You Had Unprotected Sex. When Can You Take A Pregnancy Test?

We are fortunate to live in a world that is slowly abolishing the stigmas around being pregnant or testing for pregnancy, whether it’s wanted or not. Today’s tests are so accurate that you can find out whether or not you are pregnant from your very own bathroom without needing to make a doctor’s appointment.

But there are some things that you should be aware of before taking pregnancy tests, especially at-home pregnancy tests. Whether planned or a potential mistake, here’s everything on testing for pregnancy after sex:

happy woman with a pregnancy test

*This article is not a medical recommendation and not an alternative for consulting a doctor. This article should not be construed as a medical reference and in any matter related to your health, you should consult a qualified doctor or OBGYN.*

How Soon After Unprotected Sex Can I Test Whether I’m Pregnant?

On the first day you notice you skipped a period. If you don’t know when your period is supposed to be, or if you have an irregular period, take it at least 21 days after unprotected sex.

Some pregnancy tests are extra sensitive and can be taken as early as 8 days after the sperm fertilizes the egg (also known as conception), even before you have missed a period. However, conception doesn’t begin immediately after sex. So if you get a positive result on one of the extra sensitive pregnancy tests, it’s best to wait until your next period is due or to go to an OBGYN to get a more accurate result.

How Do Pregnancy Tests Work?

Pregnancy tests work by detecting the hormone human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) which is produced around day 6 after fertilization. It can take around five days for a sperm to fertilize an egg.

After that, the egg travels to the uterus lining, which can take another few days. This can add up to 2-3 weeks when you may be pregnant, but the pregnancy test might not say so. Pregnancy tests are most accurate from the first day of your missed period to ensure that fertilization has happened and the hCG hormone is fully detectable.

Do Home Tests Give Accurate Results?

In general, yes, if taken properly, at the right time, following all instructions. It’s important to be aware that drugs taken for fertility, and specific medications can interfere with pregnancy test results.

If you plan to be pregnant, taking a test from at least 8 days (although it’s unlikely to be positive then), up to day 21, or your missed period, is the most reliable way to tell if you are pregnant. Taking a test the day or two after you have unprotected sex will not give you accurate answers.

False Negative Results And How To Avoid Them

If your pregnancy test says you’re pregnant, this is almost always correct. A negative test is not always reliable, as perhaps you took the test too early, or didn’t follow the correct instructions. To avoid false-negative results, make sure you take the pregnancy test properly, with enough time after conception took place.

Are Next-Day Pregnancy Tests Accurate?

Considering the time it takes for the sperm to fertilize the egg and for the egg to travel to the uterus, next-day pregnancy tests are not accurate at all. If you get a positive test the day after unprotected sex, you have likely been pregnant for a few weeks already.

couple looking confused at a pregnancy test

Signs That You May Need To Take A Pregnancy Test

Here are some signs/situations where you may need to take a pregnancy test, whether or not you are expecting to be pregnant.

  • You had unprotected sex. Bonus points if you are aware you are ovulating so you can tell when the first day of your missed period is.
  • Your period is late. If you have irregular periods, then take it within at least 21 days of unprotected sex.
  • The condom broke. These things happen. If you didn’t take the morning-after pill and your period is late, then take a pregnancy test just to be sure.
  • You forgot to take the pill. Again, things happen. If you forget, and your period is late, this may be a sign you are pregnant.
  • You just have a feeling. Use your gut instincts. So many women often say, ‘the test said negative, but I just knew!’ If you are convinced the test is incorrect, take it again in a few days or a week, or contact your OBGYN for further advice.

female holding condoms

How To Get Accurate Results On At-Home Pregnancy Tests

  • Take The Test First Thing In The Morning. This is when your urine is the most concentrated, so it is more likely to show a positive result if you are pregnant.
  • Take A Test Within 21 Days After You Had Unprotected Sex. Whether your period is irregular or super accurate, taking a test within this time is a good indicator that you are pregnant.
  • If You Are Trying, Buy A Few Tests Just In Case. Always have a test nearby if you have a gut instinct or your period is late, so you don’t need to wait for the pharmacy to open, and you can take a test first thing in the morning.
  • Learn Your Cycle. The length of the menstrual cycle can vary from 21 to 40 days. Learning your cycle is the best way to tell if your period is late, so to take a test as soon as you realize.
  • Follow The Instructions Carefully. Read the instructions and follow them carefully to get the most accurate result possible.
  • Contact An OBGYN If You Aren’t Sure. If you have questions, worries, or want a more accurate result, contact your OBGYN, and they will help. If you plan on getting pregnant, having an OBGYN booked is important so you’re supported from day 1 of being pregnant.

Finding Out You Are Pregnant May Be All You Had Hoped For. Or It May Be The Opposite.

No one is there to tell you whether or not being pregnant is right for you or not. However, there are people out there that can support you. Whether you have questions about getting pregnant, early pregnancy symptoms, or what diapers are the best for your baby boy, you can visit our blog for more relevant useful info.

Just remember that whether you are planning or preventing pregnancies, there are at least a few weeks until you will get an accurate at-home pregnancy test after unprotected sex. And if you have a gut feeling, keep taking tests, contact your OBGYN to ask specific questions on your situation.

pregnancy test on a calendar

Frequently Asked Questions:

How Long After Unprotected Can I Test Whether I’m Pregnant?

On the first day of your missed period. If you don’t know when your period is supposed to be, or if your period is irregular, take it at least 21 days after you had unprotected sex.

Are Home Pregnancy Tests Reliable?

In general, yes, if taken properly, at the right time, following all instructions. It’s important to be aware that fertility drugs or certain medications can interfere with pregnancy test results.

How Do Pregnancy Tests Work?

Pregnancy tests work by detecting the hormone human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) which is produced around day 6 after fertilization. It can take up to five days for a sperm to fertilize an egg.

Are Next-Day Pregnancy Tests Accurate?

Considering the time it takes for the sperm to fertilize the egg and for the egg to travel to the uterus, next-day pregnancy tests are not accurate at all. If you get a positive test the day after unprotected sex, you have likely been pregnant for a few weeks already.

Can I Take A Pregnancy Test 2 Weeks After Unprotected Sex?

Yes, but it might still show negative even if you are pregnant as the fertilized egg might not have reached the uterus lining yet so the hCG hormone isn’t detectable. Pregnancy tests are most accurate from the first day of your missed period to ensure that fertilization has happened and the hCG hormone is fully detectable.